How much do you know about furniture?

Time: 2022-08-29 18:24:44

(1) Most furniture is low and low.

(2) Beginning to see the clues of the performance from the low type to the high type.

During the Western Han Dynasty, Tadeng was introduced from India. Annotation in "Release Name": "On the couch, on the small couch in front of the big bed, and on the bed." Since the couch is set in front of the bed to go to the bed, it means that the height of the bed has increased. It is also recorded in "Taiping Yulan": "Emperor Ling likes Hu bed." Hu bed is a kind of foldable and lightweight seat for nomadic people in the northwest, which hangs down when sitting. The evolution from sitting on the floor to sitting on the feet is the last major change in the history of furniture.

(3) Soft pads appear.

According to the "Xijing Miscellaneous Notes", in the Han Dynasty, the emperor's jade table was covered with silk and cotton fabrics in winter, and the minister's wooden table was added with a quilt (felt-sewed pocket). This is the first cushion to appear.

(4) The materials for making furniture are more extensive.

In addition to wood, there are metal, bamboo, glass, jade, etc.